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9-month-old baby update

9-month old baby update

We’ve reached the 9 months in, 9 months out milestone, and to say the time has gone fast would be an understatement. Watching Azaiah change and develop has been so joyful, he’s come on leaps and bounds.

He’s far more vocal now and has the most infectious little laugh. Reflecting on the past 9 months makes me feel emotional, it feels like I gave birth a lifetime ago.

Sometimes, I want to give the me back then a massive hug. I was truly like a rabbit in headlights, and I think this isn’t honestly expressed enough. Sure, bringing baby home is an absolute dream come true, it’s the best thing ever but the life change can come as a massive shock.

As I’ve said in previous posts, coping with recovery both physically and mentally is a challenge but now you have the most beautiful little human that is solely dependant on you.

Team that with sleep deprivation and this can be really tough. But, things do get easier and slowly you start to feel like yourself again and you develop routines.

The me back then was so excited to be someone’s mummy, but I do think there is so much value in having support whether that’s in the form of a partner, family or friends.


The Tayo today feels stronger, and like I’ve come into my own. I am still breastfeeding Azaiah, and this has been great for settling him down for naps and his sleep at night. I was combination-feeding but soon realised that breastfeeding was a great comfort for him.

I mainly bottle-fed when we were out and about for fear of breastfeeding in public, but I came to the realisation that I should be able to feed and comfort my baby at all times, not just at home.

I bought a muslin cover that was recommended to me and I now breastfeed in public comfortably.


Weaning has been going incredibly well, Azaiah loves his three meals a day. I’ve been making everything from scratch using the Tommee Tippee blender which has been amazing.

We’ve tried a few shop-bought sachet meals as I thought it would be handy to have them on standby however, he definitely prefers homemade. Of course every baby is different but I’ll be doing a full review of some of the brands we’ve tried.

Batch cooking has worked best so far, the convenience of defrosting meals if need be has been handy. He’s having more textured foods now as well as smooth purees still. We’re also giving him solids including banana, avocado and toast.

Azaiah also loves the Kiddylicious wafers, they were a great introduction to self-feeding and developing his understanding of how to hold and eat food.

I found giving Azaiah solid food really nerve-wracking but talking to my other mummy friends was a massive help. They recommended the solid starts app which gives detailed information on how to prepare solid foods to give to babies.


This boy is on the go and full of energy. Baby-proofing the living room was stressful because it felt like every single area needed some consideration, but he now has a safe space to play in.

Nothing could prepare me for how quick he is and also how much I need to watch him. He’s fascinated by everything and would get up and walk now if he could. For now, it’s a case of holding on to the sofa and taking little steps.

A message to all the mummas out there whether you have a newborn, or a baby that’s months old, you’ve got this. It’s ok to feel a plethora of different emotions whilst being on the best journey of your life.

I love being in my little bubble with Azaiah, I’ve actively stayed present in each moment with him whether it be on our cosy walks or while he’s playing at home. I can’t believe that in a matter of months, he’ll be a year, it’s an honour to watch him develop and grow.

Products mentioned

Breastfeeding muslin cover

Tommee Tippee blender

Kiddylicious wafers

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